

So, it's now exactly 2:45AM, and I'm watching a re-run of Saturday Night Live. Not too surprising really, but I just saw the best Public Service Announcement I've ever seen. Everyone wonders about this, but I really need to know... why is this on at 2:45 AM, when nobody is going to see it? Of course, I did see it, so maybe airing these commercials at this time of night isn't completely asinine. Maybe the TV station analysed the options and determined that this time of night was best to hit their target audience for this ad. I don't know, but I do know that running the ad during prime time would help a whole lot more. Why are the ads on prime-time so stupid, and the juicy ones that could help people are on at 2:45AM? This doesn't make any sense, so I'm writing to the TV station and I'll let y'all know what they say.
Stay groovy!

1 comment:

Jasmine said...

Still no reply on this from them. Might never happen.

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