Wal-Mart is not Evil, and Not Innovative Either
Wal-Mart is using a "new" software to do their employee schedules, and people are pissed off about it. Those people need a history lesson because Wal-Mart didn't invent this... they were just dumb enough to ignore the potential of it, for nearly 20 years. This is nothing new and I don't know why people are suddenly all upset about it. I suspect it's because some people out there hate anything Wal-Mart ever does and would really like them to go out of business, but I like getting toilet paper for 97 cents, and it's customers like me that drive the business, not the people who *don't shop there* - who cares about them? Screw them. I want my low prices everyday.
McDonald's was using this system as far back as 1988... nearly 20 years ago. It doesn't give employees 'random' schedules. Not unless the customers as a whole, start behaving very randomly. At Wal-Mart, they have a ton of customers, so the law of averages means that this software will probably make the schedules LESS RANDOM than they would be if the schedules were made by human beings. It also does not 'disregard' family and other life. Employees have always been responsible for making management aware of the days off they need, special events, and whatever else goes on in their lives. This software streamlines that process as well, with availability becoming a data point used by the machine, and the machine is much more likely to get it right, than someone who has to keep all those variables in their head. I've seen numerous occasions of people being scheduled accidentally on their kid's birthday or something, when the manager knew about it (usually in writing). This software should eliminate that very common mistake, and if the employees have access to it, it could streamline the process they use to ask for days off.
This software, when used correctly, greatly reduces the possibility of last-minute schedule changes. Last-minute schedule changes are *almost* always due to the actions of unreliable employees. "Jimmy didn't show up today, I need someone to cover, let's hit the phones and see who wants extra hours"
And to the people out there who claim to care so much about Wal-Mart's employees. There's one thing you can do to improve the situation. SHOP THERE! As much as possible. Your boycotts and bitching only makes the problem worse. More customers, more hours for the employees... and this new software helps that situation! You motherfuckers who are giving Wal-Mart hell for everything they do - YOU are the problem. Get over yourselves and save money like the rest of us.