
How to get no more junk mail!

This is simpler than you might think. I was very surprised that this actually worked. All you need to do to never get junk mail again, is call the places that are sending it, and demand to be removed from their lists. I called Comcast and finally got off of their "environmental onslaught", and I removed myself from ADVO mailings by going to their web site (click "About Advo" on the side, then click "Consumer Support"). This will solve most of the problem. As I learn how to get removed from other mailing lists, I'll post them here, but ADVO and Comcast are the worst offenders in my neighborhood.

Comcast was sending me 2 or 3 mail pieces per week, sometimes in Spanish and always annoying. This is totally uncalled for, and I question the effeciveness of this strategy as a marketing campaign. Comcast is one company I will never ever deal with again, and it's their underhanded and annoying marketing that is the reason why. When you multiply this mailing by the size their list must be, it has environmental impact. So does ADVO. They must be producing millions of tons of paper waste per year. This is harmful to the environment, and if legislators aren't going to do a junk mail law, then I'm happy to tell folks how to combat this problem on their own. Note: there are many web sites and services that offer to do this for you, for a fee of course, but I say spend a little time and do it yourself for free. If you're too lazy to do that, just do a Google search. If you're too lazy to do that, click here.

Junk mail that I'm just going to throw away is one thing, but my actual goal here is to get NO MORE MAIL AT ALL! There is no purpose for it, and I'm done with it. It's been months since I got something in the mail that I actually needed. I pay all my bills online, I don't need paper bank statements or phone bills or anything like that. As far as I know... I don't need mail, and since most of it is paper, I think we can do the environment a lot of good if more people try this. Most companies offer electronic billing these days, and only a few types of things must legally still be sent through the mail. Not sure what I'll do about that, but I guess if somebody wants to sue me, they'll have to serve me in person, like a human being.

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